The Underbrush

Screenshot from The Underbrush

The Underbrush is a 2D adventure-puzzle game where you play as a young child searching for cryptids while out camping with their father. The player has to manage their inventory and make sure they aren't in the dark for too long without a torch while searching for clues as to the whereabouts of the cryptids. This game was developed with help from Blizzard.

Screenshot from The Underbrush

The Underbrush is a project I worked on in a group of eight students as my capstone project. We were given the wonderful opportunity of working with Blizzard throughout the semester. I was a programmer on this project, but I also assisted with design, art, and some production.

My main contributions on this project included an inventory system, an interaction system, functioning location-specific minimaps, and a light/dark system. Throughout the semester, I continued to refine and adjust these aspects of the game as our gameplay ideas evolved and we received player feedback. I also helped design the level and assisted with the mechanic designs. I even did some 2D environment art, as our game was quite art-heavy and the artists were overwhelmed with work.

The Underbrush is available on here.